Sue Howorth and Dave Clarkson of The Family Business Network on the things that matter most to family businesses.
October 2019
They do say that a conference is a formal meeting of people with a shared interest and a purpose to share innovative ideas, throw ideas around, present findings and conduct workshops. Well yes – our Family Business Conferences do all of the above, but with one clear difference – its family, and its personal; our speakers are family, our audience are family and our additional experts in the room are truly family focused.
With this combination you get to hear, see and experience ‘real time’ story telling. Journeys undertaken by individuals in pursuit of their goals, and multi-generational families with the challenges they have faced, and the battles still to be faced. There are success stories, tales of succession on track, and off track, there are thoughts around purpose and how to be responsible both in business and within your communities.
Our conference events explore family values and ethos and how these are instilled and retained by family businesses, as well as looking at the challenges of putting these values into practice.
As the audience in the room, you get to engage with each other and you’re given plenty of time to connect and forge friendships and new alliances.
There’s also plenty of time to challenge your perceptions and reflect on your own journey, business plans and business model. In amongst the room, there’s sure to be the next-gens who will be listening intently and planning their next moves. Some will be on the stage and others will be sat quietly amongst the tables waiting for their opportunity to share ideas through our other Family Business Network forums.
Uniquely, most people attending one of our conferences will come away having engaged and interacted more than they expected to and more than they perhaps usually would at such an event.
At our Family Business Conferences you can expect the unexpected – don’t miss the experience and power of peer to peer learning, and to be a part of our great and influential Family Business community.